Kaoru Asahina (she/her)

Kaoru Asahina is a picture book author and illustrator from Japan.

While living in Japan, she worked as an antique dealer and also painted in watercolours. However, she made a big decision to study for a Masters at the Cambridge School of Art, and now creates work focusing on monoprinting with geliplate and collage. She says, ‘It's hard to tackle a completely new technique, but it's really exciting and thrilling.’

Thanks to this charming city, Kaoru Asahina has created a number of new stories. She is continuing to develop these stories with the aim of publishing them as picture books in the future.

Website: www.asahinakaoru.com

Instagram: @asahina.kaoru

Email: asahinakaoru0928@gmail.com

Princess of the land of Sweets

The princess lives in a giant candy land. All the sweets are so big that it's hard to eat them.

Hester Bateman

Hester Bateman was a real woman silversmith in 18th century England. She was born into poverty and was unable to read or write, but she left behind many innovative and wonderful pieces of silverware.

The Story of the city Foxes

The foxes of the big city gather in a big park on a moonlit night to hold a party.