Hannah Craig (she/her)
Hello, I'm Hannah and I have a background in fine art and primary and secondary art teaching. I have worked in mainstream education as well as in a emotional and behavioural difficulties school and a children's psychiatric assessment centre. I am interested in recognising and discussing emotions in order to help with mental health.
I love drawing animals and landscapes. I am fascinated by the powerful emotional uplifting effect that being in nature brings. I am a keen swimmer especially sea swimming. I love to see the seals where I stay in Cornwall.
As a pet owner I have reflected on how well humans and pets communicate through body language. I am also amused by how we project human motivations onto animals. I use mixed media mostly pastels and inks and create layers with stencils.
Website: hannahcraigillustration.com
Instagram: @hannah_c_illustration
Email: hcraig1@virginmedia.com
Calm Waters
This is an emotional story about the narrator imagining themselves as a seal in order to feel happier.
This is a story about how making friends can be difficult but ultimately rewarding.
Who is the fastest?
A book based in fact about a race to see who is the fastest animal.